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What is a text editor?

Here, a text editor refers to a type of program that allows you to write and edit plain text. Text editors are useful for people who write text-based content or code.

Plain text vs. rich text

Although we might not be able to tell when we open or write most documents, there are important differences between plain text and rich text. Word processing software such as Microsoft Word creates rich text-- text containing additional markup that specifies how the word processing software should display the text, e.g. typeface, size, paragraph spacing).

Plain text, on the other hand, is just that: text characters with no hidden markup.

Benefits of text editors

There are a variety of popular text editors to choose from, many of which are free. As you look for one that suits your needs, some characteristics to look for include:

  • Compatibility. Works on your operating system.
  • Interface. Some are easier to work in than others.
  • Aesthetics. The look and feel matters!
  • Size and speed. Won't overload your computer and runs fast.
  • Features. Integrates with other tools in your toolkit, supports code/syntax highlighting, etc.

I'm currently using Visual Studio Code, but I've also used and liked Atom, Brackets, and Sublime Text. Check out TechRadar's "Best Text Editors" for a list and discussion of those and more!

Alternatively, here are the home pages if you want to skip the discussion and go straight for the download.

Last update: 2020-07-20